Monday, September 18, 2006

In class performance ideas

Well the first thing that came to my mind when we were told to do a "performance" was anything instrumental.
So with that I thought that now would maybe be a good time to break out that harmonica I got last Christmas, but after hearing Nic play his I was for surely not about to embarrass myself that bad in front of everyone. But then again if I start practicing....
The only thing is what would I play?! I can sorta read music... I was in band for 3 yrs. in middle school!
My other thought was to play the kazoo, but again I'd have to find music!
Or I could cook, but I don't really have a kitchen to cook in....
So my ideas are really just at a loss for figuring out how to execute them!
Any ideas, or recommendations for music let me know!

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